Thursday, May 24, 2012

XBox Kinect and 'Best Practices' for Student Learning

If you want to better understand how to redesign your courses for future students, you need to play Dance Central 2 on the XBox Kinect. Here's why:
  1. Personal Learning plans for students with a wide variety of experience levels
  2. Intermediate 'assessments' that reward and encourage in a safe environment
  3. Information is presented in a variety of ways to allow students to build skills they need, and skip those they have already mastered
  4. Collaborative learning environments both face-to-face and virtual.
  5. Fun and creative ways to practice skills combining music and visually appealing graphics
There is a lot of information on Game-based learning and Gesture-based computing, but I believe that just playing Dance Central for 30 minutes will help you understand these theories much better.

1 comment:

  1. It's a nice way of putting theory into practice. Actually practical practice.
